Finding that special someone...

Life is about winning some, losing some, hitting homeruns and sometimes falling flat. However the trick to falling is getting up and carrying on with the game.

An attractive, captivating, independent, friendly, self-assured you woman. This, at least, is how she appears to be. However, an in-depth interview reveals her to be the product of the ups and downs of University first year challenges.

Arriving at Rhodes not knowing what to expect; anxious, nervous and excited, she has over the last year become a confident, independent more experienced person who has undergone personal growth. She laughs as she says “thanks to first year spread, I've grown reasonably well. Besides that, I have grown emotionally”.

Her first year has not been an uneventful one, rather it has been one charged with many challenges. Challenges which she has faced head-on and made her visibly stronger, independent and self-reliant. One challenge which have manifested this year is that of relationships.

Having experienced many relationship hic-ups this year, she tells how some situations have been hurtful, some were crucial, whilst others were “just weird”. She relates hows the world of dating, its rules or, at times, lack thereof were unfamiliar to her. Finding her feet took a little time and she goes on to say that “I'm still not sure I've found them yet, or ever will”.

Her experiences at Rhodes, especially with regards to guys have taught her many things this year, especially about herself. Her “misses” in relationships have taught her personal strength. A strength, which surrounds her and inspires her friends.

She has learnt that one should not let yourself get swept off your feet by the first guy who looks your way or says “hello”. “Even if he is drop-dead gorgeous, ok, well, maybe just a little”, she says, with a glint in her as she remembers her first crush at Rhodes.

She goes on to say how the relationship you have with yourself is the most important one. To be secure within yourself first, before you enter into relationship is vital. However, “when you do find that someone, its the best ever”. Her face lights up as she tells how safe her boyfriend makes her feel and how amazing and devoted he is.

She tells how different her new relationship is from those she's had. A relationship, which has grown from a year long friendship has allowed her to feel safe within the relationship and know that she can trust that he will not hurt her, because, as she says “friends wouldn't do that in the first place”.

So, while life does involve losses from time to time, they make you stronger, and the wins that much sweeter.


RU a survivor? said...

The person in the profile is a strong person who has survived first year, even if it isn’t unscathed. They are a person who had faced challenges and overcome them, not losing the lesson on the way. This person has had to face coming to a new place and trying to fit in while stying above the workload and social pressures that are new to her. This student is strong and adaptive and not afraid to say that she has needed a leg up along the way but had managed to survive. This is a person who had grown over first year and will probably continue growing over their University career.

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What's the best thing about Rhodes?

10 things every good Rhodent has done:

  • Woken up in muddy overalls
  • Smoked hubbly in the Bot gardens
  • Pre-drank at the Monument
  • Played noisy drinking games at the Rat
  • Kissed someone's Sloppy Seconds
  • Eaten a Mama Pam's boerie roll
  • Danced under the aircon at Friar's
  • Cringed at Thunda photos the next morning
  • Carried 5l of water back from the shops
  • Avoided walking through the middle of the Arch

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